Well, I’ve taken a little break on the microcontroller stuff for the RV-6 autopilot because the plane needed a little love. It’s been flown 50+ hours since Cedric and I bought it in February, 2010 and there was some maintenance that needed to be done before a trip to Tennessee.
We took the cowling off, changed the oil, re-wired some of the electronic ignition, re-sealed the right fuel tank, cleaned up some of the wiring, replaced the fuel filters, re-plumbed some of the vacuum lines, and a couple other things. We worked every evening from about 17:30 until about 23:00.
In the end we were able to complete all the necessary work in three evenings of work and the plane was ready to go by the 3rd of July.
We took the cowling off, changed the oil, re-wired some of the electronic ignition, re-sealed the right fuel tank, cleaned up some of the wiring, replaced the fuel filters, re-plumbed some of the vacuum lines, and a couple other things. We worked every evening from about 17:30 until about 23:00.
In the end we were able to complete all the necessary work in three evenings of work and the plane was ready to go by the 3rd of July.